tick tock tick tock !!
somtyms when we looked at som1.
we just cannot imagine who are the real they are.
what can i say bout this yup ?
became in LOVE again not a funny stuff okay ?
but tros terang cakap
we cannot avoid from this feeling laa
hey come on laa.sampai bile nk deny ni ??
diluah mati mak , ditelan mati bapak ?? (btol ke ni ?? )
the cupid have sent an arrow from the above (down down down )
heh ? aku la 2 yang kne !
adoi ! adoi !
( jalan pon da xbtol tau x )
but i honestly cannot pretend egois all the time .
macammane ni ?
kadang2 rse cm xcaye ? ( btol ke ape yg aku dgr lhat dan rase?? )
bile xcute nobody likes me ( nobody nobo0dy but u ! )
bile dah hot som1 got crush on me ? (hehehe xlarat satu bdan lahh ;)) )
mintak2 la die xbace ni ? if that happened ... ( ni bukan peah yg tules ea ?? )
am i fully sincere o not ? am i really2 into him o not ?
hey , everyday date xkan xrase pa pe kot ?
mintak2 la de orang admire gile2 ngan die ? bole la aku terlepas (hehehehehe )
tp 2 dulu (eleh dulu la sangat annn )
and as 1 of my fren said
who is bibil ??
anyway she is not part of my topic today okay !!
hahahahaha ( bibil jarang on blog.. xpe2 )
let this flow away lahh
pe nk jadik jadik la.. ;))
but the most important
dont over confident
no emotional okay
no hurting each other
always rmember our parents
( eh2 ? cam nk g mne je ni ?? )
mood : im GOOD .. yeahhh ;))
somtyms when we looked at som1.
we just cannot imagine who are the real they are.
what can i say bout this yup ?
became in LOVE again not a funny stuff okay ?
but tros terang cakap
we cannot avoid from this feeling laa
hey come on laa.sampai bile nk deny ni ??
diluah mati mak , ditelan mati bapak ?? (btol ke ni ?? )
the cupid have sent an arrow from the above (down down down )
heh ? aku la 2 yang kne !
adoi ! adoi !
( jalan pon da xbtol tau x )
but i honestly cannot pretend egois all the time .
macammane ni ?
kadang2 rse cm xcaye ? ( btol ke ape yg aku dgr lhat dan rase?? )
bile xcute nobody likes me ( nobody nobo0dy but u ! )
bile dah hot som1 got crush on me ? (hehehe xlarat satu bdan lahh ;)) )
mintak2 la die xbace ni ? if that happened ... ( ni bukan peah yg tules ea ?? )
am i fully sincere o not ? am i really2 into him o not ?
hey , everyday date xkan xrase pa pe kot ?
mintak2 la de orang admire gile2 ngan die ? bole la aku terlepas (hehehehehe )
tp 2 dulu (eleh dulu la sangat annn )
and as 1 of my fren said
bibil : same je la peah oii ! klu die da syok kat ang !
peah : btol gak an ?? haishh.xboleh2 . jeles lak aku huh ! ;(
bibil : aik ?? jeles...
peah : huh ? aiyakkk !!( tetttt ! u got it peah ! )
u just freak me out bibil ?peah : btol gak an ?? haishh.xboleh2 . jeles lak aku huh ! ;(
bibil : aik ?? jeles...
peah : huh ? aiyakkk !!( tetttt ! u got it peah ! )
who is bibil ??
anyway she is not part of my topic today okay !!
hahahahaha ( bibil jarang on blog.. xpe2 )
let this flow away lahh
pe nk jadik jadik la.. ;))
but the most important
dont over confident
no emotional okay
no hurting each other
always rmember our parents
( eh2 ? cam nk g mne je ni ?? )
mood : im GOOD .. yeahhh ;))
**bibil= the one that flew everywhere you go.emm.what we called yup ? ahah ! riang riang !!
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